Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Walk

This past week the guys went on a camping trip where we discussed the 23rd Psalm and how you see God. My take on the chapter is that by it we can see that the lord is not only our Shepard as it says, but also he is a teacher and correcter with his rod and staff. I came to that thought while reading the chapter and thinking about Proverbs 13:24 which says "Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them". So I thought of how many times my mom and dad have told me that while I was growing up. Now looking back I see how I am actually comforted by the correction I was given. Also how the same hands that disciplined would also protect me and care for me. So that was my big take for the chapter.
It was a few good days roughin it out in the woods. my second night i slept out by the fire with a few other guys. It was rather chilly but a fun time. We ate jerky, sat around the campfire, ate hotdogs, and did guy stuffs.
So then we came back to the lodge and sent the girls off for their camping trip and we had a few more days just for guys around the lodge. We had a guest speaker "Finley Robinson" who came and discussed what it is to be a man by the Bibles standard. I quite enjoyed it. I was blessed that i already know and try to follow just about everything he hit on, thanks to the Godly men in my life from my dad and the men in my church. something that kept coming to mind this past week was something my dad said to me as he was pulling out after dropping me off a few weeks back and that was "Be The Man". I thought I already knew what that meant and I did to an extant but I am realizing there is more to it. I am trying to lead by example here in the way a young man should act. Even when that means having to be different from the crowd and the possibility of being poked at or mocked for it. But thats part of "being the man" standing for whats right even when you stand alone.

Lastly we are possibly looking at snow in the next few weeks and i am pretty excited for it! It is very nice out here right now with the leaves changing and the cooler weather. Don't get me wrong I do miss the Florida heat, my jeep and driving around with my country music cranked up! I do miss my family and friends and my church but I am settling in and continually praying for the Lord to show me what he has in store for me.

 As I was finishing this up these words came to mind

 Well, you can run with the big dogs
You can fly with the eagle
You can jump through all the hoops
And climb the ladder to the top
But when it all comes down
You know it all comes down to the walk

Till the next time.
Love Jared 

1 comment:

  1. That's really good insight. I've never seen the connection between Psalm 23 and
    Proverbs 13.
